The First Look At ‘Wonder Woman 2’ Sees A Surprising Hero Return

Warner Brothers

In 2017’s Wonder Woman, Steve Trevor, played with handsome nobility by Chris “Best Chris” Pine, sacrifices himself to help save the day. I would have included a spoiler warning about the pilot’s death at the top of this post, but 1) Wonder Woman made $821.9 million at the box office, so you probably saw it, and 2) it doesn’t matter, because he’s coming back for the sequel.

Wonder Woman 2 director Patty Jenkins, in a screw you to the spoiler-averse everywhere, shared a photo of Trevor in the most 1980s outfit most imaginable (the sequel to the highest-grossing live-action film from a female filmmaker ever takes place in the year of Purple Rain and Ride the Lightning, 1984; no wonder she’s getting a record pay day). Not to be outdone, Diana Prince herself, Gal Gadot, gave a sneak peek of what Wonder Woman was up to in the ’80s.

If you look closely, you’ll see images from Dallas (that’s JR, of being shot fame, on the left) and National Lampoon’s Vacation, which came out the year prior. As for Trevor, it’s not a huge shock that he’s back (Pine has long been rumored to return, and Jenkins’ insistence of a “great love story” in the sequel was a tip off), but it is surprising to see him in a mall. The pants make sense, though.