These Instagrams From Burning Man Will Transport You To Black Rock City (Without The Dust)

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Look, you don’t have to love Burning Man. It’s perfectly okay if you think it sounds kinda gross or overly dusty or too loud or drugged up. That’s your prerogative. But you have to admit, it does look like a hell of a party. And if you were in the mood to party for a week straight, the chance to dance across a seemingly endless expanse of desert where hollowed at planes turn into bars makes this a top-shelf pick. (In fact, we named Black Rock City one of the best party cities on the planet).

This year, Uproxx dispatched Leigh Grimes and Laurie Gordeijns to the Burn to take in all the mayhem and madness. Their Instagram story offers great insight into the experience and they’ll be giving us a wrap up of their epic Southwest road trip in the days to come, but for now, check these Instagrams from the playa.

Who knows what you’ll see when you see these pictures. Some dirty freaks in the desert? That’s certainly a take. But we see a post-apocalyptic looking egalitarian micro-society where hedonism is embraced, money isn’t the only metric of success, and kindness reigns supreme. Plus it’s weird as hell and we’re always ready to err on the side of weirdness.

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