Fans Finally Get Their ‘Uncharted’ Dream Casting In A Short Film

From the beginning of the Uncharted games, it’s pretty clear exactly who Naughty Dog had in mind to play dashing adventurer/historian/thief Nathan Drake: Nathan Fillion. As the Uncharted franchise has racked up a string of critically acclaimed games, the movie has struggled to get off the ground. So director Allan Ungar decided to just go ahead and give the fans what they want in a fifteen-minute fan film, anyway.

Ungar is a working director, perhaps best known for his action movie Gridlocked, available on Netflix, and he admirably pulls off the feat of referring to the games, complete with the mix of over-the-shoulder shooting, fisticuffs, and puzzle-solving, while not feeling like somebody should pass the controller. And Fillion, who is probably a bottomless vein of charisma, fits the role even better than you might think, although Stephen Lang of Avatar and Into The Badlands fame makes a pretty great Sully, and veteran TV actress Mircea Monroe does a great job as Elena.

Realistically, considering the ongoing production troubles Uncharted has faced so far, this might well be all the screen time Nathan Drake gets. But hey, if nothing else, we finally get to see Fillion play the role Naughty Dog made for him.

(Via SlashFilm)