Stephen Colbert Enlists Alison Brie And Mike Colter In A Fake Sex PSA For Netflix Subscribers

According to a study that went viral back in May, rampant Netflix consumption by subscribing couples and singles alike is apparently killing people’s sex drives. Whether or not this is actually the case remains to be seen, but it was enough of a story to garner a sketch from Stephen Colbert and the writers at The Late Show on CBS. And to help the broadcast show out with its endeavors, GLOW and Luke Cage stars Alison Brie and Mike Colter dropped by to educate the masses about doin’ it.

“We’re here to deliver a very important message to all Americans,” Colter begins. “You can totally do it and watch Netflix.” Standing next to him, Brie adds, “There’s plenty of time in the day to watch Netflix and get your boink on.” Of course, she has to say “boink” instead of one of the many alternatives their Netflix shows have used many times to describe the very thing their audiences aren’t doing. But this is broadcast television, so they have to behave. “Look,” Colter continues. “We know it’s hard to find the time, but that’s why Netflix gives you that five seconds between the one episode ending and the next one beginning.”

Of course, the sketch wouldn’t be complete without Colbert himself, who joins Brie and Colter to declare, “I just want to say you can also have sex and watch The Late Show.” Pushing the point further, he explains, “I’m on broadcast. I can’t risk these people won’t unpause. I’m encouraging you all to watch my show while you’re doing it. In fact, you don’t even have to watch. Just turn on The Late Show and go to town on each other’s bathing suit areas.” When a visibly confused (and concerned) Brie asks the host if “this like a thing you get off on,” the comedian doesn’t miss a beat. “Yes!”