Kevin Smith Shows Off His Impressive Weight Loss In Comparison Photos Six Months After His Heart Attack

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Exactly six months ago, Kevin Smith suffered a “massive heart attack” and miraculously lived to tell the tale, which he described as a potential “Widow-Maker” in the making. Since then, the Mallrats director has celebrated his first post-health crisis birthday before previewing his dramatic transformation with a jorts-photo recreation. Now, he’s showing off his 51-pound loss in side-by-side comparison photos that arrive with some shoutouts to Weight Watchers (he’s a company ambassador) and a profuse thank you to all who supported him.

Smith who began his journey at 256 pounds, now weighs in at 205. He’s thrilled, given that that number hasn’t popped up for him on the scale since high school. Although he’s not done yet (it’s always those last ten pounds, right?), Smith wants to get down to his “birth weight of 195” before calling his feat complete.

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In addition to his initial stunning accomplishment, there’s the matter of actual sustainability, which Smith believes is possible due to his newly plant-based diet and that handy Weight Watcher’s app. Of course, weight loss is almost always difficult to accomplish, and even an app doesn’t deserve most of the credit, so Smith would be forgiven for indulging in truly self-congratulatory words. Yet he doesn’t do that here at all and sees this journey as one that shall never end. We wish him all the continuing good health in the world.