Melania Trump Is Reportedly Coming Out Of Hiding Tonight, But That Won’t Keep People From Joking

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First Lady Melania Trump‘s last public appearance was on May 10th, shortly after the announcement of her “Be Best” initiative and four days before she was hospitalized for what was purportedly a minor kidney surgery. That she hasn’t been spotted in public for 25 days and counting has led to plenty of conjecture and conspiracy theories, and the very Donald Trump-esque tweet posted to her official Twitter account only fueled speculation. Not since the body double conspiracy have people seemed to overanalyze the FLOTUS to this extent.

The situation seems to have finally come to a head over the weekend. While Donald Trump was at Camp David with daughters Ivanka and Tiffany, son Donald Jr., and son-in-law Jared Kushner, Melania was notably absent. Late Sunday afternoon, Melania’s communications director, Stephanie Grisham, told ABC reporter and producer Meridith McGraw that the first lady would also be skipping this week’s G7 Summit as well as her husband’s June 12th Singapore meeting with Kim Jong-un. The news of her absence elicited more raised eyebrows, which may be why the White House reached out to CNN reporter Kate Bennett four hours later to announce the first lady “is expected” to appear at a Gold Star families event this evening at the White House. The event is closed to the press.

We’ll have to wait until tonight to hear if she really shows up. Meanwhile, people on Twitter have been putting things into perspective:

The search was on.

Some of the conspiracy theories were optimistic:

Some of the theories were relatable:

Some of them referenced TV shows (like Stranger Things) or movies (like Home Alone, Gone Girl, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and The Avengers: Infinity War).

Even literary plots were posited:

While other people on Twitter feared the worst:

But others approached the missing FLOTUS with levity.

And some grew wistful imagining what could happen if Melania Trump hired Stormy Daniels’ lawyer.

Despite all that, it seems Melania Trump will be demonstrating some proof of life later today, which might put the kibosh on some of these Twitter conspiracies. Oh well. It was fun while it lasted.